Effortlessly send invoices using our Free Invoice Maker

GS Invoice is a desktop spreadsheet invoice maker. 

GS Invoice is not suitable for mobile phones.

Sending and keeping track of invoices to your customers can be a time-consuming task.

By using our free Invoice Maker software, you can significantly reduce your workload and effortlessly send invoices to your customers in a timely manner.

With this user-friendly tool, you’ll have more time to focus on important matters while ensuring that your invoicing process becomes more efficient and hassle-free.

Get the free Google Add-on invoice Generator


Our advanced invoice maker provides the convenience of generating invoices in PDF format and automatically emailing the generated invoice to your customers. 


PDF Invoice Maker for Google Sheets™

  • Free to use, unlimited customers, unlimited invoices
  • Ideal for freelancers and small business
  • Make your own invoice
  • Downloadable free invoice template
  • Contact address book
  • Generate and email a PDF invoice to your customers
  • Setup html signatures for your emails
  • Setup reoccurring invoices to be sent automatically
  • Create and restore templates
  • Keep track of sent and paid invoices
  • Resend unpaid invoices
  • Your own currency and date formatting
  • Customise the email subject
  • Customise the email body
Get the free Google Add-on invoice Generator

Why use our Free Invoice Maker Software?

Our software is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward, making it easy for anyone to use. To get started you need to provide a few key pieces of information to generate an invoice. These include

  • Services to charge for
  • Payment information
  • Contact person details

With these three essential details at hand, you can swiftly create an invoice and even print it out for your own business records.

Our aim is to simplify the invoicing process, allowing you to efficiently manage your financial transactions while maintaining organised records.

Save time with our free invoice setup service

With this Invoice Maker software, you can speed up time-consuming and repetitive tasks involved in producing and sending invoices to your customers.

This powerful tool allows you to reclaim your time by automating these processes.

By utilising the software’s features, you can easily customise your invoices to align with your branding and business requirements.

As a result, you can present professional and personalised invoices to your customers.

By streamlining the invoicing workflow, you can ensure that your invoices are delivered promptly, facilitating timely payments from your customers

As a special we will work with you to to customise your invoice template for free.

Please contact us for help


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Google invoice generator

Google Sheets is a part of the Google Docs suite.

It allows you to create and edit spreadsheets online.

You can use Google Sheets to create and send invoices to customers by using a template or creating your own.

To use a template, you will need to have a Google account and be signed in.

Once you are signed in, you can access the Google Sheets template gallery by going to the “File” menu and selecting “New” and then “From Template”. Look for “invoice” and select a template that suits your needs. You can then customise the template with your own information and send it to your customer.

You can also create your own invoice template by starting a new spreadsheet and adding the necessary information such as company name, address, and contact details, invoice number, date, and the products or services sold with their respective prices.

You can use formulas to calculate the total amount, taxes and grand total. Once the invoice is ready, you can share it with your customer via email or export it as a PDF.


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If you find GS Invoice useful, please consider subscribing to help with hosting and data costs.

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What types of invoices can be generated?

GS Invoice can generate a variety of invoices for small to medium business

  • Website design and website hosting invoices
  • Travel agency invoices
  • Electrician invoices
  • Medical invoices
  • Product inventory invoices
  • Hotel bill invoice
  • Landscaping invoice
  • Gym membership invoice